
(sharon) #1

There are many skin disorders. The more common are acne vulgaris,psoriasis,
warts, dermatitis, alopecia, burns, abrasions, and lacerations.
Acne vulgarisisis an inflammation of the pilosebaceous glands and is treated
by using a cleansing agent and applying topical anti-acne medication.
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder characterized by erythematous papules
and plaques covered with silvery scales appearing on the scalp, elbows, palms
of the hands, knees, and soles of the feet. Psoriasis is treated by using antisopri-
atic medication to loosen the psoriasis scales.
A wart is a benign lesion characterized as a hard, horny nodule on the hands
and feet. Warts are removed by freezing, electrodesiccation, or surgical excision
using topical treatments salicyclic acid, podophyllum resin, and cantharidin.
Dermatitis is a skin eruption that is caused by medications (drug-induced der-
matitis) or by a chemical agent coming in touch with the skin (contact dermati-
tis). Dermatitis can be treated by using topical glucocorticoids.
Alopecia is male pattern baldness and occurs when the hair shaft is lost and
the hair follicle cannot regenerate. Minoxidil (Rogaine) returns hair growth, but
alopecia returns within 3 to 4 months after the patient stops using the drug.
A burn causes lesions that break-down skin and expose the body to infection.
Burns are classified by degree, which is based on the tissue depth of the burn.
There are three burn classifications: first-degree (superficial), second-degree
(partial-thickness), and third degree (full-thickness) burns. Burns are treated
by cleaning the burn site, removing charred skin, and then administering anti-
infectives to prevent infection.
An abrasion is a scrape and a laceration is a cut. Both are cleaned and treated
with topical antibiotics.


  1. Acne vulgarisis associated with
    (a) foods containing trans-fatty acids (TFA).
    (b) testosterone level.
    (c) genetics.
    (d) all of the above.

  2. Keratolytics
    (a) loosen psoriasis scales.
    (b) are used to treat burn patients.
    (c) remove warts.
    (d) protect lesions from becoming infected.

CHAPTER 20 Skin Disorders^383

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