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Endocrine Medications

When the hormones kick in and the adrenals begin pumping, practically nothing
can stand in your way. However, you can quickly feel out of sorts and behave
strangely if your body doesn’t produce enough hormones or produces too many.
Hormones are messengers that influence how tissues, organs, and other parts
of your body function. An overproduction of hormones causes an overreaction
such as growing too tall. An underproduction of hormones causes an underreac-
tion such as producing insufficient insulin to metabolize glucose.
In this chapter, you’ll learn about disorders caused by hormone imbalance
and you”ll learn about the drugs used to correct the imbalance.

A Brief Look at the Endocrine System

Glands of the endocrine system produce hormones that are distributed through-
out the body in circulating blood. Hormones, synthesized from amino acids and
cholesterol, affect cellular activity of tissues and organs.
There are two types of hormones: proteins (which are also known as small pep-
tides) and steroids. Steroids are secreted from the adrenal glands and the gonads.
Endocrine glands are ductless glands that include the pituitary (hypophysis),
thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, gonads, and pancreas. Table 21-1 lists endocrine
glands, their location, and the hormone(s) secreted by the gland.

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