
(sharon) #1

Basics of pharmacology (Continued)
“rights” of drug administration, 16–20
right dose, 17–18
right drug, 17
right patient, 17
right route, 18–19
right time, 18
right to education, 19–20
right to refuse medication, 19
source of drugs
animals, 4
herbals, 5
minerals, 4–5
plants, 4
synthetic/chemical derivatives, 5
Benazepril (Lotensin), 359
Bendroflumethiazide (Naturetin), 360
Benzodiazepines, 70t,294, 296–297, 333
Benzquinamide, 334
Benzthiazide (Hydrex)
Bepridil (Vascor), 352
Beta-adrenergic blockers (beta blockers), 285–286,
286 t,352, 353t,355, 357
Betamethasone (Dirposone), 379t
Betaxolol, 404t
Bioavailability, 28–29
Bipolar affective (manic-depressive) depression,
Bisacodyl, 339
Blood and blood products, 161, 349–350
Blood-brain barrier, 30
Blood pressure and cardiac performance, 348–349
Body fluids, 158
Body weight, 85
Boric acid, 407t
Brand/trade name, 6–7 m
Breastfeeding, 54–55, 130
Bretylium toslyate (Bretylol), 354t
contraindicated with breastfeeding, 55
Brompheniramine maleate (Bromphen, Dimetane,
Histaject, Hasahist B, Oraminic II), 259t
Bronchiectasis, 262
Bronchitis, 262
Bronchodilators, 264–265
Bubatabarbital (Butisol), 275
Bulk-forming laxatives, 339

Bumetanide (Bumex), 360
interaction with aminoglycosides, 230
interaction with vancomycin, 227
Bupivicaine, 280t
Bupropion (Wellbutrin), 298, 300t
first-degree (superficial), 380–381
overview, 380, 380t
second-degree (partial thickness), 381
third-degree (full thickness), 381–382
Butorphanol (Stadol), 311
Butyrophenone haloperidol (Haldol), 295
Butyrophenones, 333

Calcipotriene (Dovonex), 376
Calcium, 171–176, 172t
hypercalcemia, 173–174
hypocalcemia, 174–176
Calcium carbonates, 342
Calcium channel blockers, 352, 353t,355, 358–359
Cannabinoids (for cancer patients), 334
Cannabis drugs, 73–74
Capreomycin, 243t, 244
interaction with aminoglycosides, 229
interaction with vancomycin, 227
Captopril (Capoten), 359
interaction with penicillin, 214
Carbachol, 404t
Carbamazepine (Tegretol), 294
interaction with macrolides, 224
Carbamide, 407t
Carbenicillin (Geocillin), 213t, 214
Carbinoxamine and pseudoephedrine (Rondec), 259t
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, 361, 363
Cardiac circulatory medications
angiotensin antagonists, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin
II blockers, 358–359
antihypertensive drugs, 355–356
angiotensin antagonists, 358
calcium channel blockers, 358
combining, 256
direct-acting arteriolar vasodilators, 357
diuretics, 356–357
kidneys and blood pressure, 356
stepped-care treatment, 358
sympathetic depressants (sympatholytics), 357

(^440) Index

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