
(sharon) #1

Narcotics, controlling, 93
Nasogastric and gastrostomy tube route, 103
Natamycin, 404t
Nedocromil (Tilade), 266
Nefazodone (Serzone), 298, 300t
Nelvinavir (Viracept, NFV), 319
Neomycin (Myclfradin), 231t
Nervous system drugs
Alzheimer’s disease, 291–292
anticholinergics, 287–288, 292t–293t
antiparkinsonism-anticholinergic drugs, 288–289, 289t
antipsychotics, 295–296, 297t
autonomic nervous system
adrenergics and adrenergic blockers, 284–286,
285 t–286t
fight or flight response, 283, 283t
overview, 281–282, 282t–283t
central nervous system stimulants
migraine headaches, 272–273, 273t
overview, 271–272
cholinergics, 287, 292t–293t
CNS depressants
anesthetic agents, 276–277, 278t
barbiturates, 275, 275t–276t
local anesthetics, 280, 280t
overview, 273
sedative-hypnotics, 273–274
spinal anesthesia, 280–281
topical anesthetic agents, 278–279, 279t
depression, 297–298, 301
bipolar affective (manic-depressive), 298
major (unipolar), 298
reactive (exogenous), 298
side effects of antidepressants, 299t–300t
epilepsy, 293–295
multiple sclerosis (MS), 290–291
copaxone (glatiramer acetate injection), 291
copolymer 1, 291
corticosteroids, 291
interferonβ-1B (Betaseron) and interferonβ-1a
(Avonex), 291
muscle spasms and pain, 289–290
myasthenia gravis, 290
nervous system, 269–271
neurological pathways, 270–271
overview, 269, 301–302
phenothiazines, 296297
anxiolytics, 296–297

quiz, 302–303
Netilmicin (Netromycin), 231t
Neviapine (Viramune, NVP), 319
New Drug Application (NDA), 10
Niclosamide (Niclocide), 250
Nicotine, 69t
contraindicated with breastfeeding, 55
Nicotinic acid, 368
Nifedipine (Procardia), 369
Nitrates, 352, 353t
Nitrofurazone (Furacin), 382
Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, 319
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 199
interaction with cephalosporins, 217
Norepinephrine (Levophed), 285t
Norfloxacin, 239t, 404 t
Nortriptyline (Aventyl), 299t
Nose drops and sprays, administering, 102
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, 319
Nurse initiated intervention, 50
Nursing process and pharmacology
cultural influences in drug administration
ethnic considerations, 53
overview, 52–53
elderly patients
assessing, 56–57
overview, 55–56
nursing diagnosis, 47–48
nursing process
assessment related to drugs
has the drug expired?, 45
how does drug work?, 44
how much does the drug cost?, 45
identify brand and generic name, 43–44
is drug order valid?, 43
is the drug available?, 45
overview, 43
patient information, 46
what are side effects and toxicity of the drug?, 45
what interacts with the drug?, 44
what must a patient know about the drug?, 45
what signs and symptoms must be monitored?, 45
where is drug used?, 44
overview, 42–43
overview, 41, 57
patient care plan
deadlines and measurement, 49
evaluation, 50

(^450) Index

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