Cheap and Easy Crafts

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

10  Things to Do With Old Wine Bottles

By: Caley Walsh

Instead of tossing those old wine bottles, use them in a variety of wine bottle craft projects. You

can create lamps, decorative vases and hurricanes from old wine bottles and they make great

gifts. Don’t forget to save the corks to create a homemade cork board.

To remove the labels from old wine bottles, soak in hot water with a few drops of soap for 20

minutes. Then simply scrape or peel off the label. You can also remove the wine label intact and

create lovely wall art (especially with those fancy French wine labels).

Here are our top 10 ideas for wine bottle craft:

1. Using this amazing technique to give your old wine bottles a faux dichroic glass look.

The fancy bottle can be used to store homemade oils or vinegars, or as a decorative vase.

2. Turn an empty wine bottle into a lamp. To do this, you need a ½ inch glass and tile drill

bit or a diamond bit and a string of mini lights. Lay the clean and dry bottle on a cloth.

Keeping the drill bit wet with cold water as you drill a hole about an inch from the

bottom of the bottle. You don’t want the bit to get too hot and crack the glass. Once the

hole is drilled, push the lights into the bottle. Use a flattened out hanger with a small

hook at the end to help you bring the lights up into the bottle. Leave the last bit of cord

and plug free. You can also add glass beads to the bottle for another look.

3. Turn wine bottles into drinking glasses. According to author of this tutorial, flat bottomed

bottles of certain white wine varieties or Bordeaux wines are best for making drinking

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