Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


the bottom hero bun resting with cut side up on a separate
plate in a separate bag. Mark the plates of both top and
bottom buns according to the bun’s hero ranking.
We decided to toast the hero bun top and make grill marks
on it. If you want to follow this approach, use a clean skillet
or griddle surface heated to medium-low heat. Brush the
cooking surface with melted butter. Also, brush the cut
side of the top bun with melted butter and place it on the
preheated cooking surface. Do not mash the bun. It will
brown along the edges that touch the pan. Use a nylon
cooking spatula to lift the edge of the bun to check the
color of the bun several times during this process. Remove
the bun from the pan when the edges that touched the
griddle are golden. Preheat an electric charcoal lighter. I
had my charcoal lighter customized so that one side of the
heating element is narrower. I used the narrow side of the
hot lighter to make grill marks on the bun as shown.

Once you have three or four hero buns for each bun
represented in your shot as well as buns reserved to use
as stand-ins, you can turn your attention to other ele-
ments in the shot. Working with a stand-in burger, deter-
mine the arrangement of food elements in your burger.
For instance, starting with the bottom bun and building
upward, our burger’s order of elements is bun, lettuce,
meat, cheese, tomato, red onion, and top bun. You may
want a diff erent building arrangement. Th is decision
should be made during the planning stage. A few words
of advice: Cheese is easier to handle and looks more
realistic if it is applied directly on top of the meat rather
than elsewhere in the burger.

Prepping Burger Components

Let’s assume that you are planning to build a burger
similar to the burger image in this chapter.
Here’s what you will need and the techniques you can
use in achieving this look.
For a typical burger construct, I normally purchase two
heads of either romaine or leaf lettuce. Normally the
outer leaves of the lettuce head are not hero quality, but
under those leaves you are likely to fi nd the leaves best
suited for burgers. Hero leaves will be a rich green color
with unblemished ruffl e rimmed edges. Remove the hero
leaves from both heads of lettuce. To store the lettuce

SAFETY NOTE Electric charcoal lighters become very hot. Follow
the manufacturer’s manual for safety procedures and instructions on
how to use such a lighter. I use a landscaping stone as a surface for
food items whenever I apply a torch or electric charcoal lighter to the
food. The stone absorbs some fats that might be liquefi ed during
torching or branding and it also provides a safe non-fl ammable
surface as you work. The stone is also a safe place to lay the charcoal
lighter to heat up and cool down before and after use.
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