Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


On Set with the Hero Burger

Th e burger is ready to go to set. Th e burger is sturdy and
easily transported at this stage. Any additional elements
for your burger, such as onion slices or pickles, should
be added on set because they are more diffi cult to stabi-
lize, making the burger more diffi cult to transport.
Make certain you have the necessary tools and supplies
to complete the prep on a table near the set. You’ll need
the burger bun top, additional hero lettuce and other
burger components, mustard or mayonnaise in an appli-
cator bottle (optional), small containers of burger color,
oil, water, and an artist’s brush for each liquid, paper
towels, cotton-tipped swabs, and tweezers.
After positioning the hero plate on set, protect the area of
the set around the plate by laying a few paper towels in
front and to the side of it. Arrange any additional burger
ingredients on the burger and secure them with tooth-
picks. Place the bun top on the burger. Take a capture shot
to check the positioning and build of the burger. Make
any adjustments needed. You need to keep the meat and
vegetable components moistened with the appropriate
liquids until fi nal photography is completed. Th is helps to
ensure the elements will maintain a fresh appearance.
When you are pleased with the burger on set, if you are
embellishing your burger with condiments (mustard,

mayonnaise, etc.), identify where you want to place the
condiments on the hero burger. It’s diffi cult to make a
precise decision for placement of these condiments prior
to this point because of variables in lettuce and other
ingredients. But you should have a basic idea of place-
ment based on viewing the stand-in previously on set.
Use an applicator bottle to insert small amounts of the
condiments. Take another capture shot for a fi nal check
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