Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1

serrated bread knife. Take care not to crush or tear the
bread as you cut. At this time, cut all pieces of hero bread
that are to be built into the sandwich. Place each hero
bread piece on a separate paper plate. Cover the bread
with a slightly damp paper towel and slide the plate into
a Ziploc bag until needed during the build process.

As you build the sandwich, cut each element right before
positioning it on the hero sandwich. Secure sandwich ele-
ments with toothpick halves. Form the deli meat bundles

as described in the whole sandwich section of this chapter.
With sharp scissors, cut a straight edge on the ruffl e edge
of the bundle of meat, maintaining some of the natural
edge for interest. Position the meat bundle in line with the
cut edge of the sandwich. Remember, you are only con-
cerned with the camera view of the sandwich.

Cut sandwiches are diffi cult to transport—a cut piece of
bread doesn’t provide much support, especially after it has
been jabbed with numerous toothpicks. Also, depending
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