Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


paper towels at the neck cavity in place. Once the stuff -
ing cavity is fi lled with foil, you will need to stretch the
skin covering the breast area so it will tuck under the
end of the breastbone and into the stuffi ng cavity.
Depending on how much skin the butcher has left on
the bird, either secure the skin with a few T-pins placed
inside the stuffi ng cavity or overlap the skin from both
sides of the cavity and pin it together inside the stuffi ng
cavity. Th e important thing here is to cover the breast

meat with skin and to conceal the T-pins inside the

Cut circles of heavy aluminum foil approximately 4 inches
in diameter to cover each leg bone knuckle of all the hero
chickens. Place one circle of foil at the end of each leg
bone knuckle. Press the foil around the bone so that it
covers the bone and a little of the skin adjacent to the bone.
Position the legs of each bird close together and tie with
one wrap of cotton string to hold the legs in position.
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