Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1

Prepping Vegetables for Photography

Because vegetables come in a variety of types and growth
patterns, the discussion of prepping for photo vegeta-
bles will be specifi c to these groupings. However, that
being said, each vegetable can be treated with specifi c
styling techniques. Always use clean, sharp knives and
tools when working with fresh vegetables and make
sure the cutting board surface is clean.

the carrots at the studio, using kitchen scissors, cut off
the green leafy sections, leaving a short length of the stem
on the carrot. Th e length of green you leave attached to
the carrot will depend on the look you want for your shot.
If the outer stem stalks are damaged or pale, they can be
removed. Rather than pare the carrot, work under slow
running water or over a bowl of water, and use a Scotch-
Brite heavy-duty scouring pad to clean the carrot. Th e
pad can be used to remove all dirt and small roots from

TRICKS OF THE TRADE I clean cutting boards with soap and
water between uses, and also in between cutting different types of
vegetables. I often treat my acrylic boards with a bleach-water rinse
between styling jobs, and when they become stained. If you want to
follow this practice, mix 1 part bleach to 2 parts water in an applicator
bottle purchased at a beauty supply store. Place the acrylic board in
a sink. Squirt the bleach and water mixture on the cutting board
surface. Be careful the liquid doesn’t splash onto your clothing
because it will make permanent spots. Let the bleach water remain
on the board for several minutes or until the stains are removed.
Repeat the application if necessary to remove stubborn stains. Rinse
the board with clear running water and stand it on end to drip dry
or dry it with a paper towel.

When purchasing carrots for photography, look for
bunches that have the green tops still intact. Also look
for carrots that are blemish free and have a rich orange
color. Th e root end should taper to a point. As you prep

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