Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


Th e process of steaming a vegetable enhances the color
while maintaining the photo viability of the vegetable.
Th e eff ects of steaming on the vegetable can be observed
if a glass lid is used over the steaming pot. Most vegeta-
bles will achieve color enhancement within a minute or
two of steaming. Use tongs to remove the vegetable
from the steaming pot and immediately submerge the
vegetable in a bowl of ice water. I often leave the vege-
tables in ice water until they are needed to build the hero
plate. However, another method involves removing them
from the ice water and placing them in Ziploc containers
or on trays. Cover the trays of vegetables with plastic
wrap. Th ey will need to be refrigerated until you are ready
to construct the hero plate. Steaming works especially
well for larger vegetables such as broccoli, caulifl ower, or
corn because after steaming, these vegetables are easily
handled with tongs without causing damage to their


Another method for cooking vegetables for photogra-
phy that achieves an eff ect similar to that of steaming,
is blanching. Blanching is a better choice than steaming
when you are prepping tender and small vegetables. Th e
simmering water surrounds the small vegetables and
cooks the outer surfaces evenly and quickly. Remove
small vegetables such as peas and green beans from the

water with a mesh strainer as soon as the optimum color
is reached. Larger vegetables can be more easily removed
from the water with tongs. As you add vegetables to the
simmering water, it works best to blanch small batches
at one time. Th is keeps the water temperature even,
allowing for more controlled and even cooking of the
vegetables. To stop the cooking process once vegetables
are removed from the simmering water, plunge them
into an ice water bath. If you are blanching or steaming
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