Jean Ann, Brad, and I want to express our gratitude to
the numerous contributors who provided products and
services for us during the photography production of this
book. Th ank you to the following corporations and indi-
viduals for contributing so generously to this project:
3M Home Care Division, http://www.3m.com
ACH Food Companies, Inc., http://www.karosyrup.com
Th e Anchor Hocking Company, http://www.anchorhocking
Angostura Limited, http://www.angostura.com
BernzOmatic Inc., http://www.bernzOmatic.com
Cardinal International, http://www.cardinalglass.com
Central Market, owned and operated by H. E. Butts
Grocery Company, http://www.centralmarket.com and www
Chimera, http://www.chimeralighting.com
Collin Street Bakery of Corsicana, Texas, makers
of world-famous cheesecakes and fruitcakes, www
Th e Color Wheel Co., http://www.colorwheelco.com
Cuisinart, 1 Cummings Point Road, Stamford, CT
06902, whose products and name are used with permis-
sion, http://www.cuisinart.com
Dow Chemical Company, http://www.styrofoamcrafts.com
East Ellum Digital, technical support and additional
camera equipment, technicians; John Shipes and Neal
Farris, http://www.eastellumdigital.com
Electron Microscopy Sciences, http://www.emsdiasum.com
Elmer’s Products, http://www.elmers.com
Energy Brands Inc. (d/b/a/ Glacêau), http://www.glaceau.com
EVO Media, Inc., http://www.evo.com
Gitzo, http://www.gitzo.com
Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc., http://www.hamiltonbeach.com
Hasselblad USA, http://www.hasselbladusa.com
Hearthmark LLC (d/b/a Jarden Home Brands), a Jarden
Corporation company, http://www.freshpreserving.com