Food Styling for Photographers

(Dana P.) #1


techniques, and additional drops and drips were added to
the glass exterior using a syringe fi lled with clear corn
syrup. Bubbles were fl oated on the liquid surface. Th e
liquid used in both the glass and pitcher is actually a
mixture of water and brewed coff ee. You can use real tea;
however, I have experienced occasions when it looked a
little cloudy to the camera.

Supplies used to complete the iced tea shot:

● One hero glass treated with frosting eff ect and con-
densation treatment
● One stand-in glass
● Cardinal International pitcher and glass
● One small artist’s brush
● Cotton-tipped swabs
● Acrylic ice cubes and shards
● Long wooden skewer
● Plastic bulb-type dropper
● Plastic bent-tip syringe
● Pouring pitcher or small garden watering can
● Brewed coff ee and water
● Windex glass cleaner
● Karo corn syrup, clear

● Bounty paper towels
● Six lemons, for lemon wheels (refer to chapter on
garnishes, Chapter 12)

Removing Liquid from a Hero Glass

Th ere are several ways to remove liquid from a hero
glass. Of course, you can always just pour the liquid
out of the glass, but this will likely endanger the exterior
of the glass and will not permit any future use of
the glass. If you want to preserve the techniques on
the glass exterior, here are two methods I prefer to
remove liquids from a hero glass. I have a large syringe
that was purchased at a ranch and veterinary supply
store. (Basting syringes are similar in size and will
serve the same purpose.) You can remove the needle
for this technique, if you wish. Th e syringe is narrow
enough to fi t into most glasses. It normally takes
several fi llings of the syringe to empty most glasses
but this is a perfect nondrip method for liquid
Another method is to create a siphon. Th is method is
especially useful for pitchers and containers that hold a
lot of liquid. I use a length of clear fl exible plastic tubing
1/4 inch in diameter and 18 to 24 inches long. Siphon
the liquid into a diff erent container.
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