The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1

Sex, Unhealthy Romantic Relationships, and Good-byes 129

wouldn’t make someone really love you for you). Instead of thinking about ways to win him
back, spend your energy developing new interests. Maybe there’s something you’ve always
been interested in learning more about—yoga, video production, ceramics, whatever. Now
would be a great time to find an after-school class through a community center, a YMCA or
YWCA, or a local university. Start looking forward to the rest of your life!
As hard as it is right now, believe me, letting go will get easier in time. To speed up the
healing process, express your feelings. A broken heart lasts longer when you don’t release the
hurt, anger, loneliness, or betrayal you feel. You don’t have to share any of your feelings with
your ex (unless you want to), but you dohave to get them out. I wish you well.

In friendship,

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