Friends, Peers, and Enemies 165
Any friend who has ever meant something to you is a part of who you are
today. If you cherish the memories of good friendships, you’ll always remember
these people fondly.
My best friend isn’t interested
in me anymore
Hey Terra,
Ever since my best friend “Sandy” and I started high school, I can’t really say that she’s my
best friend anymore, though I’ve really tried to keep the relationship going. It’s just that she’s
hanging out with other people who are way more mature than me. I think they’re more
mature than Sandy, but she says that’s just my opinion. Anyway, she spends all her time with
them, and she isn’t interested in doing stuff with me and it hurts. I thought we’d be best
friends forever and that our children would be best friends. What happened?
Dear Nowhere,
People change as they enter the world of high school. They find new friends and new activi-
ties. This isn’t always a bad thing, though sometimes feelings get hurt. Stick with the friends
you enjoy being with—the ones you can count on and who share your values and interests.
It sounds like you’ve already talked to Sandy about your feelings. Maybe you need to
have one final conversation with her to find out whether she thinks your relationship is worth
saving. If she isn’t interested in remaining friends on any level, you’ll know you’ve done
everything you could do. You’ll probably feel sad for a while, but if you keep busy with other
people, the hurt won’t last as long.
It’s possible that your friendship with Sandy could be rekindled sometime in the future.
You don’t need to count on that, but you never know what’s down the road. Maybe after time
spent apart, you’ll discover how much you miss each other. Or maybe you’ll discover that you
no longer have much in common. In the meantime, find new friendships that you can count
on. I wish you the best.
In friendship,