iblings have a unique relationship. Most likely, you share at least one bio-
logical parent and have spent time growing up in the same home. These
factors greatly influence the way you relate to each other. Another unusual aspect
of this relationship is that it can’t ever end—your siblings will always be “family.”
As an adult, you may choose not to see or speak to your siblings, but you still
have a relationship.
You and your brothers and sisters probably have ridden the emotional
roller coaster known as “Life in This Family.” Sometimes you may yell, scream,
or ignore each other completely. Other times, you might be such good friends
that you forget you’re related. And still other times, your relationship may be
so strained that you almost wish you were an only child. Occasional conflicts
between people who live together are normal and unavoidable. But some-
times, sibling conflicts are so intense that they make life miserable for the
whole family. The good news is you can learn to negotiate “cease fires” in the
sibling “wars.”
C H A P T E R 7
Sibling Relationships