212 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating
offer. If she isn’t ready to admit she has a problem, these organizations can help you sort out
your feelings regarding this issue. I wish you the best.
In friendship,
Al-Anon and Alateen
This Web site presents information about Al-Anon, a worldwide organization
designed to support families and friends of alcoholics, and Alateen (for younger
members). You can find out more about the organization, decide if you want
to join a group, and locate meetings in your area.
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
This site offers clear information about drug and alcohol dependency, plus a
questionnaire to help you evaluate whether you or someone you know has a
problem with substance abuse. Calling their toll-free number (1-800-622-2255)
will automatically connect you with a trained and caring listener—twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week—to help you sort out drug and alcohol issues.
My brother refuses to talk to me
Hey Terra,
My brother is three years younger than I am, and he’s got a really nasty temper. If he doesn’t
get what he wants, he says rude things to me and my mom, and he throws stuff, too. My