64 The Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating
How come some girls like guys
who treat them badly?
Hey Terra,
I’m a smart guy and a good musician. I’m also good-hearted and not at all bad looking. My
problem is that the girls in my school seem to only be into going out with guys who treat them
like total “crap.” Is my problem that I respect women too much?
What’s Up?
Dear What’s Up,
Youdon’t have a problem, but the girls you’ve been observing do (and that goes for their
boyfriends, too)! Any girl who’s attracted to a guy who treats her badly probably has low self-
esteem. My guess is that this isn’t the kind of girl you’re looking for. Keep on treating girls
with respect, which means as your equal. Someday, the kind of girl you’re looking for will
come into your life and appreciate what a great guy you are! I wish you well.
In friendship,