The Teen Survival Guide to Dating & Relating: Real-World Advice on Guys, Girls, Growing Up, and Getting Along

(Martin Jones) #1



Making Boyfriend /Girlfriend Relationships Work 83

I wish my girlfriend

talked to me more

Hey Terra,

My girlfriend is really smart, but when we’re alone she doesn’t talk all that much. Most of the
time, I feel like I’m doing all the talking. Why doesn’t she talk more?


Dear Talker,

Some people are naturally shy and prefer listening to talking. Maybe you can draw your girl-
friend into a conversation by asking her questions about herself, her feelings, and her interests.
If you’ve tried this and it hasn’t worked, tell her how you feel and what you need. You
might say, “I feel like I do all the talking in our relationship. I feel pressured to keep the con-
versation going. I’d like it if you would open up and talk more, because I’d like to get to know
you better.” I hope this helps!

In friendship,

How come boys don’t talk

about their feelings?

Hey Terra,

We girls all agree that it’s a lot easier for us to talk about our feelings than it is for guys to talk
about theirs. Why is that?

Girls Who’ll Say Anything

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