
(Dana P.) #1

life. If anything other than the Lord Jesus Christ is your
first love, you will fall into idolatry.” Christ is the focus of
passion, insuring integrity of leadership...^59

  • God goes beyond tolerance. He loves. Tolerance ultimately is a
    total disconnect. Love is a total connection. Tolerance is apathy
    toward others. It may even be controlled hostility. To tolerate
    is passive, to love is active. Love doesn’t ignore the other for
    its own convenience. It disciplines, it suffers, it challenges, it
    corrects. The Scripture tells us that God’s correction is evidence
    of His love...Likewise; the Christian obligation is not self-
    righteous judgment but self-sacrificing love. The implications
    of complete tolerance for the social order are chaos and
    decadence. This was pointed out in Judges: ‘Everyone did
    what was right in his own eyes.’ Tolerance is in the end social
    hypocrisy. A lasting community cannot be built on it. Love, not
    apathy, is the glue that holds a group together.^60


  • As Gandhi observed, “One man cannot do right in one
    department of life whilst he is occupied in doing wrong in any
    other department. Life is one indivisible whole.”^61

  • Integrity in the Moment of Choice: Quality of life depends on
    what happens in the space between stimulus and response.^62

  • Between stimulus and response, man has the freedom to choose...
    there is a gap or a space between stimulus and response, and...
    the key to both our growth and happiness is how we use that
    space...I began to stand in that gap and to look outside at the
    stimuli. I reveled in the inward sense of freedom to choose my
    response ...^63

  • The typical goal that binds individuals together on guiding
    change coalitions is a commitment to excellence, a real desire
    to make their organizations perform to the very highest
    levels possible. Reengineering acquisitions and cultural change
    efforts often fail because that desire is missing. Instead, one

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