
(Dana P.) #1

“ To be Christianized is to be sensitized. Successful
leadership comes from sensitive leadership.”

Even though leaders are perceptive to the external environment around
them; they are even more concerned about the internal environment in the
hearts, minds, attitudes, and moods of the people with them. Wise leaders
are acutely aware that every person they lead will follow them while
carrying certain spiritual, mental and emotional baggage. If leaders are
not perceptive and sensitive to the “unseen baggage” many people are
dragging with them, they will be insensitive and imperceptive leaders.
Effective leaders learn to “look beneath the surface.” They are not deceived
by initial appearance. They do not quickly jump to conclusions before
considering all of the evidence and weighing all the facts. They want to
hear both sides of the issue. They seek to have as broad a perspective of
the situation as possible. The wisdom of Proverbs points out: “The heart
of the discerning acquires knowledge...The first to present his case
seems right, till another comes forward and questions him” (Prov.
18:15, 17). Wise leaders have learned not to make snap decisions based
upon superficial surface appearances.

In his excellent book, The Heart of an Executive, Richard Phillips compares
and contrasts the life and leadership of King Saul to that of the young
man David. Initially Saul always looked better. He struck a good pose.
He had a good political posture. He appeared more kingly than the ruddy
shepherd boy. So Phillips wisely cautions against snap judgments based
solely upon appearance and first time impressions.

I have always been fascinated by the expression, “The first impression
is what really matters.” I do not doubt that there is practical truth
to this statement. But first impressions are necessarily shallow,
external. The cut of the clothing, the posture and gestures, the
enthusiasm in the eye – I assure you that Saul can do these better
than David, at least for thirty minutes. But the corollary to the
principle of first impressions is this: “You get just what you are
looking for.^1

Like so many of us, the people of Israel judged by outward appearance

  • and chose their king accordingly. They were terribly deceived. Before

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