
(Dana P.) #1

Leaders that last learn how to successfully face problems. They become
successful trouble-shooters. Rather than running away from the problem,
they run toward the problem. They square off with the problem and
face it “nose to nose” – and the quicker the better. The problem may be a
relatively small one that can be dealt with rather easily if it is confronted
quickly so it will not have time to grow and multiply. Or, the problem
may be a Goliath-size one like young David faced. In either case, the key
is decisiveness. In spite of the great odds that were against him in the
person of Goliath, “David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet
him” (I Sam. 17:48). Even though King Saul hid in his royal tent, and all
of the other seasoned soldiers were cowering in fear before the seemingly
unconquerable giant, young David fearlessly ran toward him. Because
David knew his source of strength in the Lord, he defeated the giant
Goliath with a single stone. As the old expression goes: “The bigger they
are, the harder they fall!” Down came Goliath with a reverberating thud!
Then David decapitated Goliath with the giant’s own sword! David “cut
off the head” of his enemy. This reminds us that problems that have had
their heads chopped off no longer pose a threat! As a result of David’s
victory, great courage and encouragement immediately spread to all of
Israel. This story of David reminds us that once a leader, like King Saul,
begins to run and hide from problems, his leadership is effectively over.
Whoever solves the problem that the supposed leader would not face –
becomes the real leader! Even though King Saul continued to hold the
position of King, David now had the power of leadership.

In any situation, look for the person who faces and solves the problems

  • and you will be looking at the real leader of that group, movement,
    organization, or church. Problems have to be squarely faced – whether
    they are large or small. Whoever is the major problem-solver is the real

Today our world is becoming more and more complex. The problems
are also more complex. Like it or not, our world has become a global
village wired together through the instantaneous communications of
Fax machines, e-mails, the Internet, and cell phones! Crises happen more
quickly...problems are more widely known...the people involved are
more diverse...the issues are more complex...and the ramifications are
more far-reaching. J. Oswald Sanders said this about leadership in our
world today:

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