to maintain divine standards in doctrine, morals, and conduct...The
fundamental ingredient in all discipline is love...^31
- Whoever is under a leader’s direction should be under his
- It is not what others do or even our own mistakes that hurt us the most;
it is our response to those things. Chasing after the poisonous snake
that bites us will only drive the poison through our entire system. It
is far better to take measures immediately to get the poison out...Our
response to any mistake affects the quality of the next moment. It is
important to immediately admit and correct our mistakes so that
they have no power over the next moment and we are empowered
- Short-term performance improvements help transformations...They
show people that the sacrifices are paying off, that they are getting
stronger...these little wins offer an opportunity to relax for a few
minutes and celebrate. Constant tension for long periods of time is not
healthy for people. The little celebration following a win can be good
for the body and spirit...^34
- As Elijah waited on the Lord, he observed, in order, a mighty wind,
an earthquake, a fire, and then a gentle whisper. God was not in any
of the first three but He apparently was in the fourth (verses 11-
12). And out of the gentle whisper Elijah heard anew the voice of
God along with instructions for his continued service. Solitude, holy
stillness, in the presence of the Lord. This was critical to the process
used by God for Elijah’s restoration. For leaders and others it still
- During a class at Regent College on the Book of Mark, Professor
Michael Green was discussing Mark 6:30-32, verses dealing with the
disciples’ return after having been sent out by Jesus: