
(Dana P.) #1

cause is not a “one man show.” Leaders are able to gain and sustain the
confidence, loyalty, and affection of those whom they lead.

“Before a leader can fully persuade others; he must
fi rst be fully persuaded himself.”

It is also important to remember that all promotion by a leader is for
some particular purpose. It is impossible to promote something that is
vague...nebulous...ethereal...surreal. There must be some tangible and
specific cause. Some particular purpose to promote. All leaders then have a
cause celebre, or a celebrated cause, as the French language calls it. It is this
cause to which they want others to commit. It is the cause that challenges
others to some course of action. John Maxwell reminds leaders:

As you communicate, never forget that the goal of all communication
is action. If you dump a bunch of information on people, you’re not
communicating. Every time you speak to people, give them something
to feel, something to remember, and something to do.^1

If leaders cannot articulate and communicate their vision to others, people
will not follow! It’s that simple. As Paul said: “...if the trumpet does
not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?” (I Cor. 14:8).
An effective leader must be like a good bugler in the military – he must
sound a clear call. If his bugle call is not clear, the soldiers will not know
whether he has given the sound for charge – or retreat! There’s a BIG
difference between the two! A good leader must have his purpose clear
in his own mind before he can effectively articulate it and communicate
it to others. Leadership and communication can never be separated from
each other. Effective leadership is based upon effective communication.
Simply put, “a person who can’t communicate – can’t lead.” Every leader
must always be striving to be a more effective communicator – whether
through speaking...through body language...through letters...through
phone calls...through e-mails...through the Internet – through any and
every communication medium available to him. The whole subject of
communication is a major study unto itself, which is not the primary theme
of this book. There are some helpful quotes at the end of this chapter
about the importance of communication in the life of a leader.

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