always relies on repetition...All successful cases of major
change seem to include tens of thousands of communications
that help employees to grapple with difficult intellectual and
emotional issues...collectively, these can add up to a massive
amount of useful communication, which is generally what is
needed to win over both hearts and minds.^12
- ...recent studies conducted by Management Training Systems
with numerous organizations – both Christian and secular
- indicated that poor communication was their number one
leadership and management problem...Communication
can be defined as the process we go through to convey
understanding from one person or group to another.
Unless understanding occurs, we have not communicated...
Jesus knew the importance of communication and He worked
hard to make sure understanding occurred between Him and
His disciples. After sharing several parables with them Jesus
asked, “Have you understood all these things?”(Matt. 13:51)
Jesus recognized that unless understanding occurred He was
not communicating, regardless of how much preaching or
lecturing He did...^13
- ...every good leader is a good communicator. He has the
ability to convey understanding to others. Good communication
develops and maintains unity, commitment, and motivation in
achieving a goal. In fact, communication is the lifeblood of an
organization; without it the group dies.^14
- Communication is the most important skill in life. We
spend most of our waking hours communicating. But
consider this: You’ve spent years learning how to read
and write, years learning how to speak. But what about
listening? What training or education have you had that
enables you to listen so that you really, deeply understand
another human being from that individual’s own frame
of reference? Comparatively few people have had any
training in listening at all...^15