
(Dana P.) #1

colder, the wind stronger, the burden of responsibilities heavier.”^9 Understanding
this reality, Oswald Sanders wrote:

Because the leader must always be ahead of his followers, he lives
with loneliness. Though he may be friendly, there are areas of life
where he must walk alone.^10

“Loneliness and leading often walk together
in solitude.”

A leader, like a shepherd, must be ahead of the pack...out in front...taking
the lead...setting the pace. But he must not get too far ahead or he will lose
his followers. People, like sheep, have different paces. Some can move fast,
while others move more slowly. While some sheep are natural adventurers
who want to go new places, others enjoy the security of the known
pastures. Some are avid climbers who have the heart of a mountain goat
that wants to press on to the heights (Hab. 3:19), while other sheep prefer
the flat lands. The Bible emphasizes two different kinds of sheep that
need special leadership, sensitivity, and care.

First, there are some followers – like young lambs, sick sheep, or wounded
sheep – who must move at a much slower pace. At times, because of their
immaturity or wounds, they must even be tenderly carried. Otherwise they
will fall behind and be left behind by the rest of the flock. They will
become isolated and vulnerable to the attack of the enemy. They will fall
prey to despair...despondency...depression...defeat...death. A wonderful
leadership verse that reflects the sensitive heart of God is Isaiah 40:11:

“He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the
lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart;
He gently leads those that have young.”

By contrast, some of the other more healthy and robust sheep are eager
followers, quick learners and high flyers. They will become easily frustrated,
bored and unchallenged by too slow a leadership pace. A wise leader
must spend some more individual time with these more eager and able
followers – just like Jesus did with Peter, James and John (Matt. 17:1).
Without that extra time and attention, they will not be kept challenged

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