Be sure the plan is as simple as it can be...Elaborate plans seldom
get carried out...Every element of the task should be simplified
as much as possible...Leaders need the humility of simplicity, a
simplicity developed beyond complexity, not before it.^4
Goals need to be written down and reviewed regularly. Francis Bacon
said: “Writing maketh an exact man.” He correctly understood that writing
things down helps a person crystallize his thoughts and be more specific
and precise. The human mind finds it very difficult to grasp a vacuum
or understand an abstraction. We all think in specific, concrete images
- not in ethereal abstractions. As John Haggai says: “Goals must have the
motivational force of a positive mental image if it is to move us and others.”^5
“Goals must have the motivational
force of a positive mental image if
it is to move us and move others.”
(John Haggai)
Goals give guidance. Without clear goals, our life is set adrift on the ever-
changing sea of subjectivism. Without goals to guide our lives, we are
always victimized by our mood swings, other people’s agenda, the pressing
needs around us, changing circumstances – and the tyranny of the urgent!
All of these things – and more – will take charge of our lives unless we
take charge of them. If we do not let our goals guide us, other people’s
lack of goals will take over.
Goals change because conditions change. Goals have to be constantly
reviewed...refined...readjusted. In the business realm, they often speak of
“SMART Goals.” That means that goals must be:
S = specifi c
M = measurable
A = attainable
R = realistic
T = tangible
As we have seen earlier in this study, leaders by nature and calling are
visionaries. As such, they see through the eyes of faith what others often