their pants”...“make up as they go along”...or “do whatever feels natural.”
Nor do they just mindlessly “let the Spirit lead!” True spiritual leaders
Biblical leaders understand that true spiritual leadership is 10% inspiration
and 90% perspiration! The 10% is the “faith factor” while the 90% is the
“work factor.” Thomas Edison said: “Genius is one percent inspiration and
ninety-nine perspiration.” Much of the perspiration of good leadership is
brought about by careful, prayerful planning.
“Successful leadership is based upon 10% inspiration
and 90% perspiration.”
Biblical leaders are committed to the fact that because God plans, they must
plan. God is a God Who planned all things before the creation of the world
- especially our salvation (Matthew 2:43; Hebrews 4:3; 9:26; Revelation
13:8; 17:8). That’s true long-range planning! If God did long-term
planning that resulted in our salvation, leaders should also do long-range
planning that will result in the salvation and sanctification of others. Just
as God stuck to His sovereignly ordained plan of redemption that will
ultimately result in the restoration of all things and consummation of
the ages (I Cor. 15:24-25), Christian leaders must also prepare a plan...
pray their plan...promote their plan...persist with their plan! Every authentic
spiritual leader knows that it is only God’s blessings that will make his
plans prosper. The wisdom of Proverbs reminds us: “Commit to the
Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed” (Prov. 16:3).
Effective leaders prepare a plan...pray their
plan...promote their plan...persist with their plan.
My heart’s desire and prayer for you at the end of this crucial chapter on
the importance of planning in the life of the leader is this:
“May He give you all the desires of your heart and make
all your plans succeed” (Ps. 20:4). Amen!