
(Dana P.) #1

“A leader must give up to go up. And in order for a
leader to stay up, he must give up even more.

(^) (John Maxwell)
A leader’s commitment to their purpose keeps other people’s doubts...
fears...uncertainty...lack of commitment...or opposition from detracting
or detouring them. They keep pressing on toward their purpose – regardless
of how hard the long the high the mountain...
how deep the wide the chasm...or how great the sacrifice. This
determined focus of purpose and vision is seen in the life of Christ when
He said: “The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10).
With those eleven words, Jesus summarized His life mission statement!
This redemptive purpose can also be seen in the life of Jesus as His earthly
ministry neared its completion: “As the time approached for Him to
be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.” (Luke 9:5).
There were many other cities where Christ could have gone – but it was
in Jerusalem where His earthly destiny was to be consummated. This was
the one city in the world where the prophets had foretold that the Messiah
would suffer and die – so to Jerusalem He must go! His life vision could
only be fulfilled in this ancient Holy City. He would let nothing or no one
detour or detract Him from that final destination, neither the tyranny of
Rome, the intrigue of the Jewish leaders, the fear of His disciples, the
confusion of the masses nor the assaults of Satan!
“In every signifi cant event there
has been a bold leader, a shared vision,
and most often, an adversary.”2 9
(Fred Smith)
The Apostle Paul expressed the passionate pursuit of his purpose this
“Not that I have already obtained...I press on to take hold of that for
which Christ Jesus took hold of me” (Phil. 3:12).

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