
(Dana P.) #1

newspapers, posters, informal one-on-one talks. When the same
message comes at people from six different directions, it stands a
better chance of being heard and remembered, on both intellectual
and emotional levels.^48

  • If you cannot describe your vision to someone in five minutes and get
    their interest, you have more work to do...A great vision can serve a
    useful purpose even if it is understood by just a few key people. But
    the real power of a vision is unleashed only when most of those
    involved in an enterprise or activity have a common understanding
    of its goals and direction.^49

  • A good board should spend 75% of its time talking about and creating
    the future, and only 25% of its time looking at (monitoring) the
    past...They must send most of their time looking forward through
    the windshield, not backward into the rearview mirror...All effective
    leaders do that. They spend lots of time thinking about the future
    and they encourage those around them to do the same...Dreams are a
    stimulant that keeps life fresh.^50


  • Everything that now is began as an idea, a thought in the mind
    of somebody. The universe, including man, began as a thought in
    the mind of God. And everything else as a thought in the mind of
    man...They saw it before it happened.^51

  • We use our imagination to keep the goal in mind, and our independent
    will to pay the price to achieve it. The power of these two endowments
    is formidable – it’s the power of purposeful living.^52

  • All things are created twice...’Begin with the end in mind’ is based
    on the principle that all things are created twice. There’s a mental
    or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things...
    Through imagination, we can visualize the uncreated worlds of
    potential that lie within us.^53

  • Dr. Charles Garfield has done extensive research on peak performers,
    both in athletics and in business. He became fascinated with peak
    performance in his work with the NASA program, watching the
    astronauts rehearse everything on earth, again and again in a
    simulated environment before they went to space...One of the main
    things his research showed was that almost all of the world-class

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