
(Dana P.) #1

the study of the future from the realm of the mystical, ethereal, nebulous,
cultic, superstitious, hocus-pocus – to a legitimate science. On the one
hand, people are trying to remove the crystal balls, Ouija boards, Tarot
cards, signs of the zodiacs, and prophetic slight-of-hand from forecasting
the future. They want to make it a legitimate analytical science. They
want to permanently separate the physical from the meta-physical...the
spiritual from the scientific...the empirical from the experiential.

On the other hand, many more people – through fear, alienation, loneliness,
and disillusionment – are turning away from the impersonal realm of
science, and back to the realm of the mystical and superstitious. Because
of this desire to probe into the future, millions in the West are in pursuit
of the transcendent, ethereal, and non-material realms for guidance. As
a result, astrologists, fortunetellers, psychic, mediums, clairvoyants, palm
readers, spirit guides and mystics have never been in more demand! They
can now be dialed up on the telephone, clicked onto through the Web Page,
or turned to on the television! There is a revival of cultic superstition
sweeping many segments of society in the so-called enlightened West.

For many people in the scientific, social, economic, and business realms,
futuristic thinking is a legitimate science. Through their detailed study and
analysis of social behavior, buying and spending habits, economic trends,
market shifts, environmental changes, etc – they make projections about
the future. These futuristic projections are made so that governmental
organizations, economic institutions, and businesses can better prepare
for coming changes. History has shown that only the organizations,
institutions, and businesses that can adapt to change have any future. The
rest over time become extinct – just like the dinosaurs! Both national and
international change is taking place in this electronic age of cyberspace
at a faster rate than ever before in history. Our world is increasingly
interconnected as a global community with a world economy. Many
organizations, institutions and businesses that cannot downsize...tool-
up...transition to...make the shift...adjust to the new paradigm, will be
left behind in either bankruptcy or obsolescence.
Religion, just like all other segments of human existence, is radically
influenced by the changing times. They either adapt their message and
their method to the ever-changing human conditions – or stagnate into
irrelevance. Because of their inability or unwillingness to change, many

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