
(Dana P.) #1

In conclusion, one of the greatest needs in our world today is for authentic
prophetic leadership! If this is true for the world – how much more it is true
for the church! More than any other organization or institution in society,
the church of Jesus Christ is to be characterized by prophetic leadership.

Christians are to be the incarnation of God’s prophetic paradigm for the world.
We are to demonstrate in our individual expenditure of money...use of time...recreational
activities – the values of God’s Kingdom. The ethics of Christ’s
Sermon on the Mount, are to be lived out in our living rooms, bedrooms,
classrooms, storerooms, locker rooms and boardrooms. The church is to
be a microcosm of the kingdom of God – a collective expression in time
of God’s future coming world order. For that to increasingly take place,
individually or collectively, there must be authentic prophetic leadership.

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