
(Dana P.) #1

Predictability in the life of a leader is essential for a sense of security
and well-being among those who follow him. Just as a wife should be
able to expect predictability from her husband – or a child should be
able to expect predictability from his parents – a follower should be able to
expect predictability from his leader. This consistency of life is an essential
ingredient of effective leadership.

Every would-be leader should strive to develop a consistent predictable
lifestyle. It is in the daily disciplines of life that great leadership virtues are
nurtured. It is the example of consistency that builds leadership integrity

  • one block at a time. It is daily predictability – not the passion of a moment,
    that lasting leadership comes from. As Aristotle said: “We are what we
    repeatedly do.” Therefore, excellence in any field of endeavor is not an act of
    the moment, but rather the habit of a lifetime.

“We are what we repeatedly do.” (Aristotle)

That means that no young leader will ever be any greater in the future than
his or her preparation for greatness now. There is no substitute for the
daily disciplines of a consistent lifestyle. Even though we all need some
spontaneity in life, it is consistency and predictability that equip us for
the long haul of life and leadership. The daily disciplines of prayer, Bible
Study, meditation, reading, writing, working, exercising, serving, giving

  • are all essential for well-rounded spiritual leadership development.

Principle: “A person is never any greater in the
future than their preparation for greatness now.”

The importance of preparation for leadership cannot be overly emphasized.
Good leaders do not just suddenly step on the stage of life and take control.
They spend a lifetime of faithful preparation for leadership. When the
strategic moment arises, they will be ready to “seize the opportunity” and
give the needed leadership. In this preparation stage, they must be like
an athlete in training for an Olympic competition...a musician preparing
for his debut orator preparing for his first speech...a
doctoral candidate preparing for his oral examination...a young preacher
studying for his first sermon. Achievement in any area that comes too

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