Cultural Geography

(Nora) #1
Kobayashi, Audrey 286, 308,
511, 517, 544–56
Krause, Enrique 447
Kroker, A. 534–5
Kulturlandschaft 263
Kusno, A. 369, 371, 372, 392
Kwan, Mei-Po 538

divisions of 100
landscape 233–48
markets 94
power 237, 239, 240
value 175, 214
labour cultures 98–115
Labour Day 23–7, 29–30
Lacoue-Labarthe, P. 428–9
land ethics 197
landscape 7, 13, 31, 227–81
animal geography 196–9
anxious geographies 14, 15, 16
approach 513
dead labour 233–48
fixity and flow 269–89
meaning 4–5
nature 166, 171, 207–25, 262–4
ontological pluralism 560–1
practice obliteration 269–81
properties 227–32
sense of sight 249–68
landscape-as-text 211, 213
Landschaft249, 251
Lange,Willy 261
Langton, M. 562
critical geopolitics 473–4
Eurocentrism 562–3
games 525
geographical knowledge 558
linguistic turn 525
ontological pluralism 560–1
postcolonialism 388
race 285, 300, 301
seeing 253
smell 11–12
Lapavistas, C. 117
Lash, S. 108
Latour, Bruno 9, 38, 193, 216–17,
221, 231, 500, 536, 557
Lavrin, A. 413
Law, Lisa 375
Leach, B. 547–8
Leach, M. 210–11
learning, production 133–4
Lee, N. 218–19

Lee, Roger 119
Lefevre, Henri 502
Le Guin, U. 565
Lehmann, David 440, 441
leisure 102, 103–4, 107
Leopold, Aldo 197
Leslie, Deborah 65
Lester, Alan 361
Levinas, E. 564
Ley, David 548
Leys, C. 99, 100
Leyshon, A. 118
liberal feminism 477
liberal humanism 327–8
Lie, John 374
lifeworlds 4, 220
linguistic turn 525
Lipset, S.M. 422
Li,T. 447
lived experience 58, 60, 285
Livingstone, David N. 360,
362–3, 366, 545
local culture 93, 103–4, 133–4,
135, 136–7
local currency schemes 119
local knowledge 137–9, 524, 525
local scale 137
lock-in 135
Longhurst, Robyn 283–9, 336–7
Long Term Capital Management
(LTCM) 124
Lorraine, Claude 258
Löschan landscapes 250
Lösch, August 93
Lovelock, James 504
Lovitt,William 535
loyalties 103
Lynn,W.S. 199

MacKenzie, D. 124
Mackenzie, Fiona 438–9
Mackie,Vera 374–5
Mackinder, H. 498, 500
Mahler, Sarah 80
Mann-Dickinson thesis 239, 240
maps 40, 255, 256, 360–1, 537–8
Marcus, George 100–1, 109, 110
marginalization 46, 47, 63
marketing mix 149–50
markets, animals 191, 195
Marston, Sallie 487
Martin, Ron 117
Martins, L. 539
Marxism 5, 6, 515, 548
animal geography 201

Marxism cont.
economy 90–1, 92–3
false consciousness 291
landscapes 213
nature 169–80
production 131
scale 485, 487
technology 533–4, 536
transnationality 75
Marx, Karl
consumption culture
150–1, 157
dead labour 237, 239, 243
labour culture 99
money 117
masculinism 318
masculinity 328–9, 333
animal geography 190–1
borders 478
colonialism 361
empires 348
finance 123
labour culture 101–2, 108
landscape 212, 273
queer geography 315
subjectivity 294
violence 477
mass consumption 157–9
Massey, Doreen 38, 93–4,
218–19, 296–7, 479
material culture 147, 153, 154,
166, 277–8
materialism 170, 171, 176
materialist semiotics 180
materiality 5, 46, 47, 50, 214,
237, 526
bodies 59, 62, 65
nature 170, 172–3, 176–7, 180
subjectivity 285, 286, 291
materialization, nature 178–80
material semiotics 217–19
Matless, David 227–32, 279–80
Mbembe, A. 421–2
McAfee, K. 445
McClintock, Anne 346, 382–3
McCormack, Derek 65
McDowell, Linda 64, 67, 98–115,
123, 139, 316, 326, 567
McEwan, Cheryl 361, 402–3,
McGuinness, M. 308–9
McJobs 107
McNamara, Robert 436, 533
McNee, Bob 285, 314
McVeigh,Timothy 481–2


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