Cultural Geography

(Nora) #1
Philo, Chris 64, 191, 192, 195
Phoenix, Ann 335
photography 256, 257
Pickles, John 538
Pile, Steve 1–35, 549–50
the pill 63
animal geography 196–7, 200
embodiment 67
gender 325–43
landscape 269
ontological pluralism 560
postcolonial geographies
race 302–6, 544
subjectivity 283–343
place-ballet 279
Polanyi, Karl 134, 137, 176
Polanyi, Michael 136, 137
polarization, social 49
political ecology 173, 176, 210,
439, 445
political economy 233–48
politics 6, 20
see alsogeopolitics
the body 66
of coexistence 8
cultural 6
the edge 361
of inhabitation 208
queer geography 316–17
of representation 208,
212, 222
the social 39, 48
speaking & writing 408–9
technology 540–1
transnationality 84
Pollard, Ingrid 260
pollution 503
Popper, Karl 527
positionality 409
postcolonialism 345–97, 400,
401, 403
democracy 420–32
feminism 415
knowledge 383, 517
landscape 264
place and migration 369–80
queer theory 319–20
space 381–97
subjectivity 286
whiteness 308
post-development 439–41
post-Enlightenment 285, 326
post-Fordism 152

post-humanist geographies
postist feminism 411
postmodernism 526
animal geography 198
consumption 154–5, 156,
157, 159
economy 92
grassroots 440, 449
transnationality 75
poststructuralism 283–4, 516
economy 92
feminism 415
gender 326
technology 535–6, 541
transnationality 81–2
poverty 51, 411, 433, 434
power 283, 401
the body 61, 62–3
colonialism 385
culture as 2, 5–6
feminism 409–10
geometries 479
geo-power 465–6
knowledge 50, 408
labour culture 103
landscape 271
postcolonialism 383
production 141–2
protest geographies 27
queer geography 319
sexual 313
practice, landscape 269–81
‘Prairie School’ 261
Prakash, G. 356, 363
Pratt, G. 296, 333–4, 415
Pratt, Mary Louise 302, 307,
355, 363, 373
Pred, A. 174, 175, 303
Preda, A. 122
pregnancy 336–7
private space 296, 316, 329, 407
Probyn, Elspeth 61, 284, 285,
286, 290–9
process, nature 176–8
production 51, 534
consumption culture 148, 151
economic geography 131–46
technology 536
productivist bias 151, 160
property rights 77–8
Prorok, C.V. 287
protest geographies 23–30
Pryke, M. 118, 119
psychoanalysis 47, 61, 62, 304

public-private divide 476–8
public space 296, 316, 317, 329,
336–7, 407
Pulido, Laura 66, 551
punk 89–90, 95

queer geography 61–2, 66, 67,
queer space 295–6

Rabinow, P. 384
race 66
feminism 406–11, 416
knowledge 511, 517
landscape 260–1
subjectivity 286, 297
terms 285, 300
territory of 300–12
race wars 28–9
racialization 40, 66, 190, 300–12,
racism 286, 546, 547
Eurocentrism 349
feminism 406, 407
non-racist 429
postcolonialism 362–3
the social 39–40
radar 532, 533
Rae, D. 429
rational recreation 259
Ratzel, Friedrich 457, 466
reciprocity 430
redistribution with growth
(RWG) 436
reflexive modernity 108
reflexivity 68, 551
Reformation 523
refugees 79, 467
regionalism 385
regional school 513–14
regulation theory 62–3, 125–6
Reid, Carolina K. 485–97
reification 151, 237
relational theory 218
relational view 40
relationships, landscapes 211–12
relations of proximity 298
religion 198, 292
Renaissance 522–3
representation 11, 523
knowledge 527–8
landscape 212, 214, 219, 229
politics of 208, 212, 222
representationism 524
resistance 285–6


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