Cultural Geography

(Nora) #1
Weinstein, M.A. 534–5
welfare regimes 48, 49
welfare state 99
Wells, Miriam 176, 241
Wescoat, J. 198
the West 302, 390
beyond 399–453
feminism 405–19
western centrism 414–16
Westwood, Sallie 105
Wharton, Edith 14–16, 17, 18
Whatmore, Sarah 165–7
whiteness 285, 309, 550, 552
academic 39
the body 66
histories 307–9
White, Richard 214
Wilbert, Chris 166, 184–206
Willems-Braun, B. 213–14

Williams, Raymond 270,
277, 434
development 435
landscape 212, 213, 242, 273
nature 168, 176
society 37, 150
Willis, K. 83
Willis, Susan 298
Wills, Gary 476
Wittfogel, Karl 172
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 334–5,
521, 525, 526
Wolch, Jennifer 166, 184–206
wolf eradication 190–1
women-only space 331, 332
Woods, Clyde 551–2
Woolf,V. 479
World Bank 436, 442, 443, 444–5
world-building 4

World Development Report 2000
worlding 408
World Trade Center attack
459, 460
writing, politics of 408–9
Wuppertal Institute 505

Yamanaka, Keiko 375
Yeoh, Brenda 83, 346, 350, 351,
364–5, 369–80, 390,
391, 392
Young, Robert 356, 381

Zapatistas 430, 447, 541
Zelizer, Viviana 119
zoögeography 184–6
zoöpolis 196–7
zoos 190, 195, 199


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