LEMONDELICIOUSPUDDINGRECIPEOPPOSITEBook ExtractPamel aâs tips- The only âtrickâ to makingthis dessert is in the beatingof the egg whites. The whitesneed to be justfirm enoughto enable them to be foldedthrough the lemon mixture,without deflating the mixtoo much. If the egg whitesare too soft, the mixture willbe too runny; if the whitesaretoostiff,theywillbedifficult to fold throughthe mixture, so, by the timeyouâve done the folding in,the mix will break down andnot puff up beautifully in theoven. I donât want to frightenyou, but making this pud isa little like making a souffléatop an inbuilt sauce.â¢Ifyoulike,youcanusefinely grated lime rindand lime juice insteadof lemon in the recipe,or a combination of thetwo works really well.
nancy kaufman
(Nancy Kaufman)