The Taqua of Marriage

(Dana P.) #1

of psycho-sexual orientation, and the physiological development of the sexual
response system, and has everything to do with the sense of touch. The
conditioning process begins at birth. All studies show that newborns that are
immediately given to their mothers before bathing away the vernix thrive far
better than infants who are bathed and removed from her presence. This
pristine moment of maternal touching should not be underestimated!
Furthermore, the instinctive self-touching of sexual end-organs during the
first 18 to 36 months of life especially provide the baby with an intact
physiological (neuro-chemical) response system that later permits a balanced
psycho-social adjustment for appropriate sexual response. In addition, this
touching also gives the child a sense of self-security, competence, fulfillment,
satisfaction, and pleasure. And as all of this takes place during the innocence
of early childhood, and naturally so, how then can any sin be imputed, and
why, in God’s name, are Muslim parents forcing their children into prisons of
guilt like good Catholics?

"We can say today that one of the main sources of failure to achieve sexual
satisfaction in adult life is interference by parents in early life with the child's
discovery of its own body as a source of pleasure." [FBS, ibid]

The mature sexualized human with a well adjusted sexual response system
has little trouble with carnal approaches or psychological responses to
intimacy, but there is a significant difference between men and women. Since
the male brain is singularly goal-oriented, his entire being is also so disposed
and this includes his sexual response system. Prior to puberty, boys have no
ability to ejaculate but can attain both erection and orgasm, while the
pubescent male achieves orgasm and ejaculation accompanied by pleasure
almost instantaneously. And so great is the influence of testosterone during
puberty that even vibrations from a bus ride are sufficient to stimulate his
sexual response system and cause an embarrassing and sometimes painful
erection. But this is not so with the woman as she requires the psychological
stimulation that avails itself with belief and trust as described previously, i.e.
iman and amana , and these are readily mimicked by professional cads.

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