The Taqua of Marriage

(Dana P.) #1

body. The mosque is torn down even if they remain together in a loveless
bond, which latter estate spotlights hypocrisy in one of its major roles.

Hence, the husband is also his wife's primary physician. He must regularly
monitor her spiritual and emotional health, which directly reflect and affect
his own. It is he who is responsible to seek out remedies and assure their
application, not she – for this is the responsibility of a shepherd. The
husband must care for his womb with all this and more in mind, lest he
become sick himself in spirit and body... affecting and disabling his work and
the primary polity of Allah: his family; and thus, effectively reduce his own
authority and potency to serve the Cause of


ONE Your Wife Needs the Stability

and Direction of a Spiritual Leader

You are the patriarchal leader she seeks and
yearns to depend on for spiritual guidance and
vision for your family. Should you fail to
provide this guidance, she will naturally be
attracted to men who give evidence of
spiritually mature leadership. This can manifest as an irksome comparison of
you to other men if she does not see you seeking the Wisdom and Will of
Allah, because she will mistrust your judgments in deference to theirs and is
actually trying to help you by pushing you under their wings. Therefore, you
should set yourself firmly in the study of scripture, wisdom and knowledge
suitable for your needs in the world, which means in the fellowship of men
who do the same. Realize also that wisdom is learned by experience and not
just through sitting, reading, or meditating and praying. The best and
greatest wisdom comes by doing, that is, by applying knowledge through
work... hard work. Therefore, my advice to ladies in search of mature
husbands is to find a man who does not just sit and talk, but who actually
works. You can usually tell the honest working wise man by the size of his
belly, the strength of his hand, the limits of his speech and the mess in his
office or workroom. No mess means no work is being done; a modest belly
means discipline, balance and selflessness; a strong steady hand and eye

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