
(Steven Felgate) #1


“Crossover” Scale-Learning without Reading Music Notation

You can use the Guitar & Keyboard Scales Poster to learn to play the
same scales on the keyboard that you play on your guitar, or vice-
versa, without having to look up scales elsewhere. Guitar and
keyboard scales of the same type are conveniently located adjacent to
each other on the poster. Keyboard scale diagrams are located just
above the guitar chord diagrams for the same scale type in each key.
You don't have to figure out how to use scale formulas. And you
don't need to know how to read music. The Guitar & Keyboard Scales
Poster shows you clear fingering diagrams for all the scales for both

Easy Scale Transposing

Suppose you know how to play the scale "D Minor Pentatonic":

D, F, G, A, C, D

How can you quickly find the equivalent scale in a different key, for
example, the key of A?
Here's how, using the Guitar & Keyboard Scales Poster: The red
horizontal bar on the right side of the poster contains the D Minor
Pentatonic scale. The blue horizontal bar on the right side of the poster
contains the A Minor Pentatonic scale. Both of these scales are located
in the same column, the “Minor Pentatonic” column. Here's the original
scale in the key of D, followed by the same scale in the key of A:

  • Minor Pentatonic Scale in Key of D:

D, F, G, A, C, D

  • Minor Pentatonic Scale in Key of A

A, C, D, E, G, A

You don't have to do any mental calculations to transpose a scale
from one key to another. Just look at the color bar corresponding to
the key you want to transpose to. Then play whichever scale appears
in the same column as the scale in the color bar of your original key.
That's all there is to it.

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