The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
In his publication of the inventory prepared for Charles I by
Abraham van der Doort, Millar published some of the earliest remarks
on condition and conservation in English (Millar 1960). Van der Doort’s
inventory is spread over several manuscripts. One was a working copy
annotated and updated by the surveyor.^5 The inventory usually records
each painting bought from the Mantua collection as a “Mantua Piece.”
The paintings recorded in “Whithall [the Palace of Whitehall] in the
Second and Midle Privie Lodgings Roome” include “A Mantua peece done
by Julio Romano... Item [:] A Highe and Narrowe peece. In a carved
whited and guilded frame. Being a Sacrifice of Some ffower [four] entire
litle figures and a goat lying by to be Sacrificed.”^6
This painting is still in the collection.^7 Its indifferent quality has
preserved it from attention and inevitable conservation. The construction
of the softwood panel is untouched apart from woodworm attack, which
has now been consolidated (Figs. 6, 7). This painting is indicative of the
condition of pictures received into the collection at this time, when little
structural work was required apart from treatment for flaking. Another
painting after Giulio Romano, The Rape of Europa,^8 mentioned as being
“defaced by quicksilver” from the voyage from Italy to England, has never-
theless survived, although it was probably repainted and enlarged soon
after its arrival. Its panel, with the brand of Charles I on the back, has also
survived untouched. The panel was constructed of three horizontal planks
of softwood with an original vertical strip on the right side and a later
addition along the top edge; the central joint has opened, and a split and
separation have occurred where the wood grain meets at right angles. On
the left side, where the horizontal planks are unrestricted, each plank has
warped, so that a permanent washboard set has been formed. The linen
strips reinforcing the joins are probablyearly repairs (Figs. 8, 9). Had the

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Figure 6, right
Studio of Giulio Romano,Sacrifice ofa Goat to
Jupiter. Oil on panel, 123 3 66.5 cm. Royal
Collection, 109.

Figure 7, far right
Studio of Giulio Romano,Sacrifice ofa Goat to

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