intervention follow the rule of respect for the original construction while
also providing an appropriate functionality to the support and conferring
the best stability to the paint and preparatory layers.
Diagnostic studies
With regard to the wooden construction of this painting, the current
state of preservation and the deformations present in the panel were
documented. The construction technique was analyzed and the wood
species identified.
Construction technique
The painted panel (265 3 236 cm), with three cusps in the upper part, con-
sists of a support of seven planks made of white poplar oriented with the
grain in a vertical direction and butt-joined with lime casein glue (Fig. 25).
Inside the joins, at the center of the thickness of the planks, are wooden
dowels that connect the planks. Most of the planks were obtained with
medial cuts; only the central plank was radially cut. The technique for the
painting preparation uses a cloth and a thick layer of gesso and glue; the
painting medium is egg tempera. On the upper part of the panel front,
there are also cusps superimposed on the main plank, with carved ogival
framing elements that contain, inside tondi, the figures of God the Father
and the prophets. Below, there is a small predella with inscriptions. The
work itselfrests on a larger, stepped predella, where scenes from the
Nativity are depicted.
The support is reinforced on the back by three crossbars of
poplar, placed at right angles to the panel planks and fixed with nails,
which were driven in from the front prior to the preparation and then bent
over on the back of the crossbars. The small predella at the lower edge of
the painting is made ofa board placed at a right angle to the grain of the
support and fastened with nails.
T R P P S: S C H 335
Figure 24, below
Lorenzo Monaco, The Annunciation,1424–25.
Egg tempera on panel, 265 3 236 cm. Church
ofSanta Trinità, Florence. Photographed in
raking light.
Figure 25, below right
Lorenzo Monaco, The Annunciation. Back of
the panel photographed in raking light.