The Evazote/Plastazote is shaped to accommodate potential
panel warp. Only minimal rows of the foam blocks are used, to allow
flexing of the panel during environmental changes. This, of course, may
happen not only at the edges but anywhere across the width or length of
the panel, depending on its structure: restriction of movement is kept to a
minimum by this means.
The tray acts as a very substantial protection to a fragile panel,
both in its frame and during handling. If the environments are expected to
vary, slots can be cut in the tray backboard to allow greater freedom of air
movement and to reduce the possibility of concave warp from the front.
These slots should be covered with a porous material such as polyester
net. However, it is essential to have enough movement available for the
panel in the tray through use of blocks and edge slips that are sufficiently
flexible. These trays can usually be accommodated in the original frames
with a little adjustment, and the front edge of the tray can be toned or
gilded to form the inner rabbet of the frame.
Balsa-wood buildup
Balsa-wood buildup is often necessary when, following the removal of a
cradle or other veneered additions, a panel is too thin or weak for a tray.
The most commonly cradled panels are on poplar and are often thinned to
less than a third oftheir original thickness.
After a panel is released from a cradle and the cracks are consoli-
dated, it usually adopts a convex warp when seen from the front and may
also be too thin or too big to maintain a flat or near-flat conformation.
After moisture treatment where required, it may prove necessary to attach
408 Reeve
Poly eth ylene shapedto
edge andface of panel
andwarpin g
toprovidefix ing
Oak tray frame
Fix in gscrews
Poly eth ylene
cutto support
th e panel
Panelpi cture fa ce
Venti latio n slotinbackboard
showin galu minumhoneycombcore
Slotiscoveredby a porous material
Hig her -density poly ethyle ne
at base of pi ct ure
distortin gedge packing
when placin gbackboar d
Fib ergla ssandepoxyresi n
facin glayers to boar d
Figure 5
Construction elements ofa panel tray.