The Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings

(Amelia) #1
Paraloid B67 and Paraloid B72,Lascaux Restauro, Alois K. Dethelm A.G., CH 83026 Bruttisellen,
Switzerland; and Atlantis European Ltd., 146 Brick Lane, London, E1 6RU, England.
Paste glue (pearl glue),Brodie and Middleton Ltd., 68 Drury Lane, London, WC2B 5SP, England.
Plastazote,Zotefoams Limited.
Polyester net,John Lewis Partnership, 278-306 Oxford Street, London W1A, England.
Silicone release paper,Custom Coating and Lamination Group, Worcester, MA 01605.
Stabiltex (polyester multifilament),Plastok Associates Ltd., 79 Market Street, Birkenhead,
Wirral, Merseyside, L41 6AN, England.
Sturgeon glue,Preservation Equipment Ltd.
Velvet ribbon,Barnett, Lawson, Trimmings Ltd., 16–17 Little Portland Street, London,
W1N 5DE, England.
Vinamul 3252 (vinyl ethylene copolymer) dispersion,Atlantis European Ltd., 146 Brick Lane,
London, E1 6RU, England.

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