Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Preface - Preface

(Steven Felgate) #1

Figure 17.5
Affordances of Doors. Door hardware can signal whether to push or pull without signs. The flat
horizontal bar ofA(above left) affords no operations except pushing: it is excellent hardware for a
door that must be pushed to be opened. The door inB(above right) has a different kind of bar on
eachside,one relativelysmallandverticaltosignifyapull,theotherrelativelylargeandhorizontal
to signify a push. Both bars support the affordance of grasping: size and position specify whether
the grasp is used to push or pull—though ambiguously.

Figure 17.6
When Affordances Fail. I had to tie a string around my cabinet door to afford pulling.

424 Donald A. Norman

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