Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Preface - Preface

(Steven Felgate) #1

Foils, 326
Forces of attraction, 228
Foresight, 621
Forgetting, 296, 298–299, 311–312, 314, 324,
343–349, 350
Formal modeling, 622–623
Frame, 61
Framing effect, 605–609
Free recall tests, 315
Frequency detector, 455–457
Frequency proximity, 236
Frontal lobes, 769–770, 833
F-test, 127
Function, biological, 650–651
Functionalism, 9, 110
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
841, 845, 848–849

Gambler’s fallacy, 589, 628
Ganglion retinal cells, 142
Gedanken experiment, 96
Generalizability, 118
Geons, 178
principles of grouping, 162, 193–200, 203, 206,
222, 224, 227–228, 230–233, 247, 512 (seealso
Proximal stimulus; Proximity model)
psychology, 146, 214, 237, 242, 399
Gibson’s ecological optics, 147
Gist, 298–300, 321
Good continuation, 194, 206
Gradient of size, 505
Grasping, 58
Grice, H. P., 723–732.SeealsoConversational
implicature; Maxims; Obscurity of statement
Grouping-by-attraction, 234
Guided search, 154

Habituation, 244
Hallucinations, 142
Harmony, 237
Hebb, Donald O., 83–84, 87, 831–839
rule, 84, 87
synapse, 831, 836
Hebb-Williams maze, 834
Hedges, 262
Hemholtz, Hermann von, 145, 504, 512
Hereditarian theory, 779, 794, 797–799, 808
Hermann grid, 142
Heuristic, 237, 585–600
adjustment and anchoring, 594–595
availability, 592
old-plus-new, 223
representativenes, 585–591
rules, 585
Higher-level cognitive processes, 136

Horizontal dimension of category systems, 253
Human genome, 848
Human subjects, 125
Hyperbole, 728
Hypnosis, 337
Hypothesis-driven processing, 140, 176–177,

Idealism, 6
Idiomaticity, 747
Idioms, 733–747
Idiot savants, 536, 570, 572, 763
Illusion, 139, 142–143, 225, 401.Seealso
of continuity, 225, 234, 246
duck/rabbit, 140–141
Ebbinghaus, 144
geometrical optical, 142
impossible figures, 164
misassignment, 225
Mu ̈ller-Lyer, 144
Necker cube, 140–141
perceptual, 139
Poggendorf, 144
Ponzo, 170–171
top hat, 144
of validity, 590
vase/faces, 140–141
Zo ̈llner, 144
Illusory conjunctions, 156–158, 373, 400, 402,
408, 410
Illusory correlation, 594
Imagery, 258
Imitation game, 35
Implicit knowledge, 464
Impossible figures, 164
Independent groups design, 123
Independent variable, 117
Indeterminacy, 634
Induced motion, 163
Infant perception of musical structure, 122
Inference, 145
Information-processing theory, 553, 667, 784,
788, 819
Informed consent, 125
Inheritance, 640
between-level, 71
competitive, 71
Inner ear, 218
Inspection time task, 785–786
Intellect, 849
Intelligence, 448, 520–522, 833.SeealsoIQ test;
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT); Wechsler
adults intelligence scales (WAIS); Wechsler
intelligence scales for children (WISC)
assessment, 774–775

858 Index

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