Capoeira: The History of an Afro-Brazilian Martial Art

(Nora) #1

Training Centre for Army Officers in Reserve (CPOR)
Traira, Mestre 159
transe capoeirano 206
Tupí-Guaraní 5

umbanda 141, 176, 182, 211
Umoi, Mestre 187
Unified Black Movement (MNU) 176
Union of Afro-Brazilian Sects 147
Union of Capoeiras of Bahia 147
urucungo 77

vadiação 128, 133, 134, 142, 143, 147, 156, 163, 167,
193, 211;
changes in 120–7;
female participation in 104;
friendly/real 120;
movements, rhythms, games 104–14;
repression of 118–3;
risk of rule-breaking 120;
rituals/cultural meaning 110–19;
social context 101–6, 105–9;
and violence 120–5;
as weapon 115–25,
see also capoeira
vadiar 211
Vadinho, Mestre 177
Valdenor, Mestre 174
valentão 115–20, 120, 211
valentia 117
Van Damme, Jean-Claude 186
Vandré, Geraldo 174
Vargas, Getúlio (president of Brazil) 18, 137, 141, 144,
160, 186
Vargas, Toni, Mestre 187
Vem Camará (folklore group) 170
Vermelho, Mestre 164
Viana, Antonio 101, 107, 118
Viana, Paulo Fernandes 69
Vidal da Cunha, Anacleto 149
Vieira, Mestre Jelon 172, 186, 186, 191
Vieira, Luis Renato 137, 141;
see also Luiz Renato, Mestre
viola 41, 157, 211
Virgílio, Mestre 183
Vitor H.U. 130
Vodun 211
volta do mundo 134

Waldemar, Mestre 159, 182
Weeks, J.H. 52
Wetherell, James 97

Xangô 134

yuka 24

Zé Pereira, Mestre 174
Zeí 129, 130
Zoião, Mestre 164
Zulu, Mestre (Antonio Batista Pinto) 177, 180
Zumbi 5
zungu 76

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