A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

385, 394, 397, 401, 406–7;see alsoanthropology,
physical anthropology, racism
racism 9n, 19, 81, 134, 136, 143, 165, 167, 168,
181, 184, 220, 239, 292, 298, 347, 348, 350, 373,
374–5, 395, 397, 403, 406;see alsoanti-
Semitism, xenophobia
railway 113, 146, 154, 179, 198, 221, 262, 280,
285, 341, 370;see alsotransport
reception 14, 124, 166, 170, 355
reformation 12, 30, 31, 35, 133, 160, 330
regionalism 368, 382V
religion: Anglican 104n, 132n, 151, 162;
Buddhism 16, 17, 18, 168, 191–6, 200–1, 204,
215 V, 223, 225, 226, 233, 237, 241, 293;
Catholic 104n, 131n, 132, 151, 190, 261, 276,
327, 361; clergy/reverend 2, 52, 107n, 132, 149,
162, 216, 218, 219, 267, 276, 361;
Dominican 145, 152; Jesuit 57, 90, 185, 190;
Christianity 16, 17, 36, 38, 49, 50, 80, 82, 84, 87,
94, 104, 126, 131V, 172, 190, 191, 216, 227, 260,
262, 264–5, 271, 274, 275, 276, 280, 283, 305,
307, 325, 344, 346, 352, 360; Comparative
Religions 192V, 233; Confucianism 17, 168,
191, 199, 406; Evangelical 133, 135, 142, 346;
Hinduism 17, 223, 226, 227, 236, 293;
Islam 16, 18, 39, 73, 80, 82, 84, 87, 94, 112, 114,
116–8, 124–6, 128–9, 132, 140, 157, 193–4,
204, 219, 221, 230, 245, 259V, 262, 268, 270–1,
273 V, 293, 352, 361; Judeo-Christian 132, 160,
164; Lutheran 151, 154, 160; Manicheism 195;
Muslim,seeIslam; Nestorianism 195;
Orthodox Church 83, 104n, 132, 260, 276;
pilgrimage 44, 132, 133, 145n, 226;
Presbyterian 134, 153; Protestant 131–2,
132n, 134, 327; Scottish Congregationalist 191;
seminary 104n, 134, 148, 154; Shinto 188;
Taoism 17, 191;see alsosecularism
Renaissance 12, 30, 31, 32–4, 37, 68, 188, 321,
384, 306
resistance/contestation/dissent 6, 7, 9–10, 15,
23, 52, 64, 111–2, 123, 125, 143, 162, 187,
197, 201, 204, 228, 238, 266, 301, 375, 407
responsibility (sense of) 51, 242, 284, 399, 403;
see alsoduty, sacriWce
rhizome 8, 228
Romanticism (includes pre-Romanticism) 20,
41, 49V, 51, 82, 93, 311, 317, 318, 324–5, 327,
332, 335, 371
rubbing,seetechniques: rubbing

sacred;seearchaeology: sacred archaeology
sacriWce 41, 240, 292, 399;see alsoduty,
salary 32, 116, 325;see alsoamateur, professional

savage 17n, 57, 82, 93, 171;see alsobarbarian,
good savage, primitive, uncivilized
scientiWc revolution/ Ku ̈hn/paradigm 25, 369,
secularism/secularization 42, 70, 117, 133, 194,
242, 275, 276
serfdom 282, 341
sinology 177, 190–2, 195, 197, 235
site: Acropolis, Athens 46, 85, 102; Aegina 46;
Ain Shems 153; Aksum 305n; Ale ́sia (Mont
Auxois) 394; Alexandria 75, 125; Amadou
Tall 305; Anau mounds 259–60; Anco ́n 176,
178; Angkor 18, 231–3, 236; Anyang 188;
Aradus (Arvad) 157; Ashur 146; Assos 115;
Athens/ (includes Athenian Agora, Acropolis,
Parthenon) 46, 85, 102, 108, 178, 353;
Baalbek 111, 156, 159; Babema Traore ́305;
Babylon (includes Ishtar Gate) 100, 135, 140,
142, 143, 145, 146, 161, 161; Bactria 254;
Basae 46; Benin 19, 305–7; Beth-
Shemesh 153, 155; Bismaya 147;
Boghazko ̈y 139; Borobudur 18, 217–9, 221–2;
Brixham Cave 356; Caesar’s Camp
(Kent) 392; Carchemish 145n; Carthage 156,
158, 264–5, 353; Cave of the Thousand Buddha
(Dunhuang) 192, 194–5, 195n, 201;
Cempoala 90; Chertomlyk (barrow) 257;
Chiche ́n Itza ́179; Cincora ́, Bahia 92;
Constantine 266–7, 270; Copa ́n 39, 178;
Cranborne Chase 392; Dandan Uiliq 193–4;
Delphi 107; Denderah (Tintyris) 74;
Domoko 195; Dong Duong 18, 232, 236;
Drakensberg shelters 304; Dunhuang,seeCave
of the Thousand Buddha; Ellora 225; Endere
(temple) 194; Ephesus 112–3, 115;
Eridu 144; Eukratides 254; Feodosia 257;
Fusat 125; Gerasa 148, 460; Go ̈lbasi 115, 116;
Great Zimbabwe 19, 305–6; Hadrian’s
wall 330, 391; Halicarnassus 112;
Hallstatt 328, 379, 394; Hattusa 139;
Heliopolis 119, 159; Herculaneum 43–47, 55;
Hermopolis 74; Housesteads 390; Ife 305,
307; Inti-Huassi 183; Ixtaccihuatl 176;
Jerusalem (includes Tombs of the
Kings) 149–150, 154; Jular, El 272;
Karadong 193; Karnak (includes Temple of
Amun) 119, 138; Kelermes 257; Kerch
(burials) 253–4, 412; Kerkinitida 257;
Khadalik 194n; Khara Khoto (Buddhist
stupa) 195; Khokhlach (Sarmatian
barrow) 257; Khorsabad 141; Khotan
(sites) 192–4, 410; Knossos 110, 153; Kukhak
Hill sextant 262; Kul Oba (Kul’Oba
Kurgan) 254; Kuyunjik 140, 142; La Isla 183;
Labna ́179; Lambe`se 270; Library Cave at the
Mogao Grottoes,seeCave of the Thousand

Index 467
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