A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past (Oxford Studies in the History of Archaeology)

(Sean Pound) #1

Museum fu ̈rVo ̈lkerkunde (Ethnology)
(Leipzig) 177; Museum fu ̈rVo ̈lkerkunde
(Ethnology) at Berlin 176, 177, 183, 185n, 241,
259, 307; Museum of National Antiquities
(Museum Vaterla ̈ndischer Alterthu ̈mer)
(Kiel) 372; Pergamon Museum 116; Royal
Cabinet of Naturalia (Ko ̈niglichen
Naturalienkabinett) (Stuttgart) 380
Greece: Archaeological Museum (Athens) 86
HungaryNational Museum in Budapest 322,
India: Indian Museum of Calcutta (includes
Archaeological Gallery of the Indian Museum
of Calcutta) 216, 226
Indonesia: Cabinet of Antiquities (Kabinet van
Oudheden) 219; Museum of Jakarta (includes
Museum of the Batavian Society of Arts
and Sciences; National Museum) 220, 221,
228, 242
Mesopotamia: Museum in Baghdad 145n
Italy: Collection by the Medici family 47, 50;
Egyptian Museum (Turin) 75; Museum
Capitolino 46n; Pio-Clementino Museum
(includes Vatican museum in Rome) 13, 46;
Portici museum 43, 44; Royal collection of
Turin 48; Royal Museum of Antiquity
(Rome) 378; UYzi Gallery 48n
Japan: Imperial Museum 197
Mexico: National Museum of Mexico 89, 182,
336; Museo Nacional de Arqueologı ́a, Historia,
y Etnologı ́a (National Museum of Archaeology,
History and Ethnology) 185
Netherlands: Museum of Antiquities of Leiden
(includes Leiden Museum ) 219, 220, 295
New Zealand: Museum of Auckland 295;
Museum of Christchurch 295; Museum of
Dunedin 295; Museum of Nelson 295;
Museum of Wellington 295; Otago
Museum 296n
Norway: Museum in Bergen 325
Peru: National Archaeological Museum 171, 184
Portugal: museum of the Fine Art Academy
(Lisbon) 360; museum of the Fine Art
Academy (Oporto) 360; Museu da Casa da
Moeda (Mint Museum) 360
Romania: Historico-Natural Museum in Iasi
(1834) 384; Museum in Sibiu (1817) 384;
National Museum of Antiquities
(Bucharest) 384
Russia: Asiatic Museum 195, 262, 262n;
Hermitage Museum (includes Imperial
Museum or New Hermitage) 48, 103, 130,
193, 195, 251, 253, 254, 256, 257, 261; Kikin
Mansion 36, 250; Kunstkamera /
Kunstkammer in St Petersburg ensp;36, 262

Serbia: Museum in Belgrade 360
Siam: National Museum 220, 238
South African: South African Museum (Cape
Town) 303
Spain: Archaeological Museum of
Tarragona 383; Central Archaeological
Museum of Galicia (1884) 384; Museums in
Castello ́n, Girona and Huesca 360; Museum of
Natural Sciences of Madrid 180; National
Archaeological Museum 180, 181, 378
Sweden: Museum of National Antiquities 378;
Royal Museum in Stockholm 47
Switzerland: Museum of Neuchatel 9; Swiss
National Museum 368
Tunisia: Muse ́e alge ́rien (Algerian Museum) 266,
267; Museum Lavigerie 270; Museum-Library
of Alger 266; National Museum of Algerian
Antiquities 274; Palace Bardo 270
Turkey: Church of St. Irini 111; Ottoman
Imperial Museum 111, 114, 117, 159,
Ukraine: Kyiv Theological Academy
Museum 253, 261; Museum in Kerch 253;
Museum in Odessa 253
USA: American Museum of Natural
History 180, 196; Field Columbian Museum
(Chicago) 180; Haskell Oriental
Museum 147; Museum of Archaeology of the
University of California 286–7; Museum of
the University of Pennsylvania 180; Natural
History Museum of Chicago 179; Peabody
Museum in Salem (Massachusetts) 198;
Peabody Museum of Harvard
University 180, 286
Venezuela: Museum of Natural Sciences in
Caracas 288

school;see alsoForeign School
France: School of Anthropology 389
Egypt: Egyptian Hieroglyphs School 123;
Highers School Club 124; School of
Egyptology (includes School of the Ancient
Egyptian Language) 123
Mexico: International School of Archaeology and
Ethnology (Mexico) 157, 184–5
Spain: Escuelas de Estudios Arabes (Schools of
Arab Studies) (Madrid and Granada) 275
Turkey: School of Archaeology in Istanbul 111

Club 53, 124, 189, 218
Learned society 12, 18, 53, 87, 150, 216, 218,
242, 267, 280, 296, 309, 352, 357, 362, 364, 365,
382, 283, 384, 289, 391, 404
Algeria: Algerian Historical Society (Socie ́te ́
historique alge ́rienne) 267‘

474 Index

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