Statistical Analysis for Education and Psychology Researchers

(Jeff_L) #1
105523313343316 141633124424408 177744234342301 213954444544100
106524232324418 142634242224410 178744114311105 2149542432143.
107524253444321 143634132225317 179744432222306 215954454352407
108524154354418 144633131224514 180745242324310 216953334544411
109525211444413 145634333414412 181744422051109 217953245424200
110524111313512 146744252342310 182743243353208 218954212424205
111524445222417 147744445224508 183744232212309 219954532424301
112524234422415 148744213225310 184744124224405 2209543434554.
113525454322419 149744242544405 185744231214410 221954.422444.
114523324223426 150744224333300 186744124254508 222954241425306
115524221.24420 151744047334302 187864134444403 223955245414209
116524214242417 152745414355304 188864.253254. 224951415152501
117524232324411 153744454255405 189864130031404 2259533.1125403
118523250324316 154744121300010 190864155310103 226955452552504
119523224314318 155744244324508 191864442.422. 227954214424205
120524222322321 156744212324205 192862324233102

Appendix A2 Statistical Notation

Statistics makes use of algebraic notation to express mathematical operations.

1 Notation for variables and values
Generally a variable is denoted with a particular upper case Latin letter, for
example, X. An individual value of that variable is represented by a lower case
letter and a subscript, such as xi. Here i is the subscript which denotes the ith
value for the variable X.
For example, look at this set of 5 anxiety scores:

5 4 7 9 8

If you wish to refer to a single score from this set without specifying which one,
you could can refer to xi, where i can take on any value between 1 and 5. The first
score (5) would be referred to as x 1 , the second x 2 , and so on. A general form of
notation for this example would be (xi; I=1, 2,...n). This means in the set of n
values of the variable X, a single value xi may extend over a range of values from
1 to n.
2 Summation
In statistics we are often required to sum a set of values. The upper case Greek
letter sigma (Σ), means add up or sum what follows. So, Σxi is read sum over all
xi. To be perfectly correct, the notation for summing all n values of xi (from
i=1,2,...n) is:

Appendix 348
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